WCPF has members all over the world
The sole aim of the Wild Camel Protection Foundation is to protect the critically endangered wild camel (Camelus ferus) and its habitat in the fragile and unique desert ecosystems in the Gobi and Gashun Gobi deserts in north-west China and south-west Mongolia. It is the only charitable environmental Foundation in the world which exclusively has as its aims and objectives the protection of the critically endangered wild camel and its unique desert habitat.
International Cooperation
At an International Camel Conference in Beijing in 2000, hosted by the WCPF, agreement was reached between the Deputy Minister from the MNET and the Vice Minister of the Chinese State Environment Protection Administration (SEPA) to co-operate to protect this trans-boundary migrating animal. A Letter of Intent whereby both countries agreed to exchange relevant data and work together over the protection of the wild camel and its fragile desert ecosystem was signed.
The offices of the Convention of Migrating Species (CMS) have fully supported the work of the (WCPF) to educate people in China and Mongolia on the importance of protecting the wild camel.
Future Projects
- Carrying capacity of the existing Reserves and the spatial requirements of the species.
- Co-existence of wild camels when they come within the vicinity of herdsmen and their domestic animals
- Action and local community involvement and co-operation when, as a result of climate change, water points disappear and wild camels are competing with domestic camels for water and food.
- Management and restoration of water points, management of vegetation in the Reserves and in the grazing areas contiguous with protected areas and the breeding centre.
Lop Nur Nature Reserve

A 155,000 square kilometre Lop Nur Wild Camel National Nature Reserve was established in 2001 and was granted National Reserve status in 2003. The Reserve is managed by the Wild Camel Reserve Office of the Xinjiang Environmental Protection Bureau. The Wild Camel Protection Foundation is the sole international consultant and adviser for the Reserve.
Wild Camel Protection Foundation – Mongolia

The WCPF Mongolian registered NGO has as its sole purpose the protection and conservation of the wild camel (khavtgai, хавтгай) and its habitat in Mongolia. Its establishment now means the Mongolian scientists are directly involved in the local management and work currently being undertaken to protect and conserve the wild camel in Mongolia.