The Wild Camel Protection Foundation has been established to raise funds to protect the critically endangered wild camel in its habitat in North-west China and Mongolia. There are approximately 900 left in the world and it is more endangered than the giant Panda. The Foundation with the approval of the Chinese government has established the Lop Nur Wild Camel National Nature Reserve in the Gobi desert and a wild camel breeding centre in Mongolia.
The aim of the Reserve is to protect the wild camel and the unique desert eco-system in which it lives. The Chinese government has agreed to fund the annual running costs provided that the capital costs can be raised. The Reserve will also act as a pilot scheme for the Jane Goodall Institute’s, Roots and Shoots environmental awareness-raising campaign throughout China.
You can support the work of the Foundation by becoming a member. Books, T-shirts, postcards, camel prints and expedition videos are available. For postal payments by cheque, please complete the form below, print it, and attach it to your cheque and post it to the address below.
Alternatively, you can help the Wild Camels by sponsoring one. To sponsor a Wild Camel, please see our Sponsorship Section.
Membership forms
Please make cheques payable to:
The Wild Camel Protection Foundation
Our postal address is:
33 Samels Court,
London ,
W6 9TL,
Annual subscription to be a member of the Foundation:
Annual UK subscription to be a member of the Foundation £25 GBP:
Annual US subscription to be a member of the Foundation $40 USD:
Annual European subscription to be a member of the Foundation €26 EUR:
If you would like to make a donation only then please use the donation button below. You can pay by Paypal.
Bank Details
Account name: Wild Camel Protection Foundation Account number: 79107700 Sort Code: 159900 BIC: HOABGB2L IBAN: GB22 HOAB 1599 0079 1077 00 |
Account name: Wild Camel Protection Foundation Account number: 79107890 Sort Code: 159900 BIC: HOABGB2L IBAN:GB33 HOAB 1599 0079 107890 |
Account name: Wild Camel Protection Foundation Account number: 79108270 Sort Code: 159900 BIC: HOABGB2L IBAN: GB55 HOAB 1599 0079 1082 70 |