How You Can Help Save One Of The World’s Most Endangered Animals
WCPF manages and funds the Hunter Hall Wild Camel Breeding Centre situated at Zakhyn Us. The WCPF has an agreement with the Mongolian Ministry of the Environment and Tourism (MET) to manage these wild camels. In 2004, the programme was established in the buffer zone of the Great Gobi Strictly Protected Area ‘A’ at Zakhyn Us with 8 wild camels. There are now 35 wild camels at the Breeding Centre and 5 calves were born in 2020. The site has now reached capacity and a second site has been identified and approved by the local authorities – but funds are urgently needed.
There are five additional wild camels in captivity – all of them in China and Mongolia. It is vitally important to breed enough animals in captivity to insure against the possible disaster of extinction, especially if their desert habitats are destroyed, for example by mining. As each female camel can have young at most once every two years, camel numbers rise only very slowly.
For the wild camel, an animal not yet fully studied or understood by scientists, the programme provides an opportunity to ensure its survival into the future.
Please help us by donating whatever you can to ensure the survival of this remarkable animal.